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Breeds of Livestock

A Black Swan standing in shallow water.Swans are relatives of ducks and geese from the Anatidae Family while swans are of the genus Cygnus. They travel in flocks but during the mating season they travel in pairs. Swans do not mate for life however they stick to their mates throughout breeding season and for the rest of the year and maybe longer. If a male finds a young female, she will move to his territory and if a young male find an old female, he will move to her territory. Their speed can reach up to 50 mph. Swans are considered graceful birds but they are not widely protected. There are seven varieties of swans in the world. The Black Swan originates from Australia and New Zealand and this is typically where they are found. They are large powerful birds that are fiercely protective of their mates, offspring and territory. They have black plumage with lighter gray edging on the feathers around the back and wings. The Cygnets, newly hatched swans, have lighter feathering all around. They have black shanks and feet however their beaks are orange. The Black Swan has a high projecting voice which does not carry very far. They breed from February to August in two different zones of Australia in two different time periods. They are protected by law and their population is in the thousands.




Coyote, Cai. "Swan." (Cygnus Atratus). Open Crypt Membership Software, n.d. Web. 20 July 2015.


Johnson, Sibylle. "Swans: Bird Genus Cygnus." Beauty Of Birds. Avianweb, n.d. Web. 20 July 2015.


"Swan Species - Black Swan." Swan Species. I-Logic, n.d. Web. 20 July 2015.