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Breeds of Livestock

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Also known by: Swedish Mountain, Fjällras, Swedish Highland


The conformation of the Fjall or commonly known as the Swedish Mountain breed, was established by the end of the 19th century in approximately 1893. Then the average milk yield was about 12-1400kg with 3-3.5% fat. The weight of the cows was about 300-350kg. No foreign breeds were used when the breed was established. Today the average milk yield is about 5500kg per year with 4.5% fat and 3.6% protein. Although good cows can produce up to 11 - 12,000kg a year. The average weight on cows is now 450kg (350-600). Full grown bulls can weigh 650-800kg. The average height for cows are about 125cm and for full grown bulls 135-140cm.


The Fjall is polled and of typical dairy type, its considered a very good grazing animal and an efficient milk producer. The color varies from nearly totally white, to white with spots of black or red, over to coloursided black or red with white top and bottom line. Sometimes even single colored black or red animals occur. More seldom can gray color be seen.


The Fjall is closely related with the Norwegian breed " Sidet tronderfe/nordlandsfe" or "STN.  In the 70's and 80's the breed was almost destroyed by crossbreeding but since 1995 the breeders have formed the "Swedish mountain breed association" or Svensk fiallrasavel in Swedish. And together with STN in Norway they now work without crossbreeding. Vital to the continuation of the breed as been the storage of frozen semen from bulls born in the 50s and 60s which has been used too increase the genetic size of the breed.


Population estimate 1998 is 1000 breeding cows in Sweden.


For more information please contact:  Svensk Fjallrasavel,  c/o Lennart Rosen, Larstorp, 59030 Borensberg, Sweden




Genus Bos: Cattle Breeds of the World, 1985, MSO-AGVET (Merck & Co., Inc.), Rahway, N.J.


Mason, I.L. 1996. A World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties. Fourth Edition. C.A.B International. 273 pp.


Robert Nilnon, Sweden