Norwegian Landrace Swine
Norwegian Landrace is the leading breed of swine in Norway. Since swine are not as numerous in Norway as in most countries
that have a registered strain, the number registered each year is limited. Norwegian
Landrace, as well as most of the swine in Norway, are raised in the southern part
of the country. Most are found in the area of Hamar. They are white in color and have
a heavy drooped ear.
The breed originated from importations of Landrace from other countries having the breed. There was then special selection to give the blend of introduced strains a unique adaptation to the environment of Southern Norway.
The major aid in this selection had been the breed testing done in a special swine
station. In the boar testing station, 2300 boars are tested annually. 2700 siblings
are also tested on station. In addition, boars and gilts are tested on farm. The best
performing pigs that are sound provide the main source of brood stock for breed improvement.
Artificial insemination plays a great part in spreading the influence of superior
boars. It is estimated that 90% of the sows are bred by AI.
Proof that the Norwegian Landrace has found favor in other countries is apparent because breeding stock has been in demand for exportation. Exports have been made, to England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, France, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Poland and Czechoslovakia. These countries all have a reputation for producing high class pork products and most have a strain or breed of Landrace of their own. This indicates the importing countries felt there was sufficient merit in the gene pool of the Norwegian Landrace to justify securing some of that stock to broaden the genetic base of their swine.
Briggs, Hilton M. 1983. International Pig Breed Encyclopedia. Elanco Animal Health
Bjarne J. Trodahl, Norsvin (Norwegian Pig Breeders Association), 2305 Hamar, Norway