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Breeds of Livestock

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Also Known By: Rood ras van België (Flemish), Rouge de Belgique (French), Red Flemish, West Flemish Red, West Flemish


A Belgian red cow eating grass.The Belgian Red was developed in West Flanders region of Belgium. It is a dual-purpose breed, producing both meat and milk, and is similar to the Flemish Shorthorn.


During World War I the pastures of West Flanders were turned into battlefields which practically eradicated the cattle population. Two important native types, the Cassel and the Veurne-Ambacht, were among these breeds. After the war the breeders cooperated to form a new breed which was called the West Flemish.  It later became known as the Belgian Red.  Belgian Red cattle are now found throughout West Flanders and constitutes about 7% of the Belgian national herd.

A Belgian Red cow.

Cows average 138 cm in height and weigh about 725 kg. Males stand 153 cm and weigh 1,200 kg. In 1978, cows averaged 4,089 kg of 3.79% milk in a 305-day lactation.









Genus Bos: Cattle Breeds of the World, 1985, MSO-AGVET (Merck & Co., Inc.), Rahway, N.J.


Mason, I.L. 1996. A World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties. Fourth Edition. C.A.B International. 273 pp.