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Breeds of Livestock

A Dhanni bull.The Dhanni is a draft type that is found in Attock, Rawalpindi and Jhelum districts in Punjab Province of Pakistan. The coloring in the majority of Dhanni cattle consists of black or red/brown spots on a white coat. The average weight at maturity is 400 kg for males and 300 kg for females.


A Dhanni cow.The Dhanni is of medium size, compact body with comparatively straight back, fine skin, small head, stumpy horns, ears small and alert, compact hump, small dewlap, tight sheath, whip like tail ending in a white switch, and a small udder. It is a sturdy animal having great agility, suitable for light draught work. The following variations in body color of Dhanni animals are generally found:

  • predominately white coat with black spots (Chitta Burga)
  • predominately black coat with white spots (Kala Burga)
  • white mottles with brown and black patches (Nuqra)
  • Greater part is red with white spotting on certain parts of the body (Ratta Burga).




Muhammad Tahir, Associate Professor, Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan