Polish Red Cattle
In the 1880's, red cattle from Denmark, Germany and Sweden were used to improve the various local strains of
red Polish cattle. This mixture resulted in the formations of the Polish Red breed,
for which a herdbook was established in 1895. Polish Red cattle are extremely robust
dairy animals. They are however, rather late maturing; first calves are dropped at
3 years or later. Cows average 400-500 kg, bulls weigh from 500-550 kg.
It is a meat dairy type and is used for draft purposes. Purebreds are rare.
Genus Bos: Cattle Breeds of the World, 1985, MSO-AGVET (Merck & Co., Inc.), Rahway, N.J.
Mason, I.L. 1996. A World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties. Fourth Edition. C.A.B International. 273 pp.