Khaki Campbell Ducks
The Khaki Campbell was developed in England during the early 1900's by Adele Campbell.
It was admitted to the American Standard in 1941. Though originally a cross of Indian Runner, Mallard, and Rouen, The Campbell exceeds all of these and most chicken breeds in egg production, with
some strains averaging 300 eggs per year. They do not require special care or artificial
lighting to produce a large number of eggs, which are white and weight about 2.5 ounces
(not much larger than a Leghorn egg). Though not usually raised for meat, Khakis
make high quality, lean roasters of 3-4 pounds; they average 4-5 pounds as adults.
Campbells are extremely hardy, excellent foragers, and at home on land as well as
in water. They eat large quantities of slugs, snails, insects, algae, and mosquitoes
from ponds, but do not require swimming water to stay healthy. The Ducks are predominately
a khaki color whereas the drakes have greenish-bronze plumage around the head and
brown-bronze plumage around the tail, back and neck areas. They also have green bills.
Minor. Though still not common, the Khaki Campbell is thought to be growing in popularity as an egg-layer and backyard duck. Exhibition Khakis do not have the same characteristics as production types.
The Livestock Conservancy PO Box 477, 33 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro, NC 27312