Booted Goats
Also Known by: Stiefelgeiss (German)
The Booted Goat was earlier spread throughout the uplands of St. Gallen (Walensee, Flums, Weisstannental and Taminatal), in the canton Glarus and in the bordering regions. It belongs to the breed of mountain goats. Until at least the 1920s it was purposefully bred, but in the 1980s it became nearly extinct. It was saved at the last moment by the foundation Pro Specie Rara. The current breeding region has its concentration in eastern Switzerland, with individual breeding groups in the central and western parts of the country.
Goal of Breeding
The most important goal is the reintroduction and expansion of the Booted Goat in
its original region of distribution. For securing its existence Booted Goat breeding
groups are being maintained, also in the remainder of Switzerland. This goal is supposed
to be reached (in correspondence with its original intent) through the use of the
Booted Goat as an agriculturally useful animal for the production of milk (for milking
or as mother nannies), meat and fleece. In place of this production goal, the use
of the Booted Goat for putting fallow ground into production or for caring for the
landscape can be the main breeding and domestication goals. In these cases, however,
the use of the products should always play a role. The goal of breeding is supposed
to be reached with natural methods and more extensive care. The conditions for care
are supposed to correspond as much as possible to the natural living environment and
the behavior of the goat.
Breeding Organization
Responsibility for the maintenance and promotion of the breed has been assumed by the Booted Goat Breeders Club of Switzerland. This organization is connected to the herd book site for the endangered domestic animal breeds of the foundation Pro Specie Rara.
Endangered Domestic Animal Breeds 1995, Pro Specie Rara, Engelgasse 12a, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland, Telefon xx41/(0)71/222 74 20, Fax xx41/(0)71/223 74 01. German Translation provided by John te Velde, Associate Professor of German, Oklahoma State University