Grisons Striped Goats
Also known by: Bündner Strhlenziege (German), Grigionese strisciata (Italian)
The Grisons Striped goat is a robust breed which feels at home most of all in the mountains. It prefers stony and steep landscapes.
In the 1930s it achieved Honor for Recognition and Promotion, in contrast to the other goats from the canton Graubünden. The strength of the breed is its suitability for mountainous regions. Its milk production, however, is not equal to that of the milk breeds.
Current Situation
Low milk production is a reason why the stocks in the last decades have sunk continually. The remaining breeders had to recognize that the breed was becoming more endangered the longer it existed.
In the fall of 1992 twelve bucks registered in the herd books remained, a dangerously narrow basis. With the support of the canton the
breeders have joined themselves together into a Community of Interests of the Grisons
Striped Goat. They intend to take the promotion of the breed by the hand and above
all devote attention to milk production and the avoidance of inbreeding. In 1994 four
bucks and two nannies were imported from Great Britain which have the same color characteristics
as the Ray Goat, but significantly better milk production.
The friends of the Grisons Striped Goat have also had to devote themselves to the widespread problem of CAE, a reason for the dramatic decline of the Ray Goat. Nearly all associations as well as private individuals have participated in the restoration, so that once again an upward trend is noticeable.
Endangered Domestic Animal Breeds 1995, Pro Specie Rara, Engelgasse 12a, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland, Telefon xx41/(0)71/222 74 20, Fax xx41/(0)71/223 74 01. German Translation provided by John te Velde, Associate Professor of German, Oklahoma State University
Mason, I.L. World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds. Third Edition. C.A.B International. 1988