Brahma Chickens
The ancestry of the Brahma traces back to China although much of their development took place in the U.S. between 1850 and 1890. The breeds is named after the Brahmaputra river in India.
Good Brahmas are beautiful, stately birds. Their large size and gentle nature combined
with intricate color patterns makes them favorites for the country estate. The Brahma's appearance in the
showroom never fails to command the admiration of one and all. These qualities have
made them a favorite with showmen and fanciers. Brahmas do go broody and are fairly
good mothers. Their pea combs with red wattles and earlobes, together with profuse
feathering and well feathered shanks and toes enable them to stand cold temperatures
very well. The relatively slow rate of growth and long time required to reach maturity
have caused Brahmas to be passed by as a commercial fowl.
Standard Weights (Light)
Cock: 12 lbs
Hen: 9.5 lbs
Cockerel: 10 lbs
Pullet: 8 lbs
Standard Weights (Dark and Buff)
Cock: 1 1 lbs
Hen: 8.5 lbs
Cockerel: 9 lbs
Pullet: 7 lbs
- Light
- Dark
- Buff
Skin Color
Egg Shell Color
A very heavy fowl for the production of heavy roasters or capons. Fair egg layers.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
American Brahma Club, Doris Robinson, Secretary, 1608 Zipperer Rd., Bradenton, FL 34202,
Phone: (941) 748-8398
Ekarius, Carol. "Chickens: Brahma." Pocketful of Poultry: Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys. North Adams, MA: Storey Pub., 2007. 38-41. Print.