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Breeds of Livestock

The Silver Montazah was developed in Egypt in a project that was made to attempt to develop a variety of chickens, which could be utilized as a foundation stock for the process of establishing a hybrid for egg production. The Silver Montazah is the name given to the new variety which had been developed in the Montazah Poultry Research Farm from a cross between the Rhode Island Red and Dokki 4 (and another breed for the variation of coloring in the Silver Montazah), using systems of breeding coupled with selection.



In the Silver Montazah sex could be easily detected at hatching. Light bars cross each feather. The new variety resembles the Light Sussex in plumage color with black feathering around the neck hackles and tail. The beak is yellowish brown; the shanks and the skin are yellow. This variety has a single comb and red earlobes. The Silver Montazah was found to be superior to Dokki 4 with respect to average annual egg production (205.8 eggs vs. 167.4 eggs) and average egg weight (53.7 g. vs. 49.8 g). This variety of chickens could be more adapted to the unfavorable conditions imposed in the Egyptian farm.


Standard Weight



Egg Shell Color




The Silver Montazah is primarily used for egg production.




Taha.H.Mahmoud et al. Agric.Res.Rev.June, 1974:97-105. (submitted by Prof. Dr. Taha Hussein Mahmoud, Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt)


Amer F. Strains of chickens developed in Egypt during the 1970s. In : Sauveur B. (ed.). L'aviculture en Méditerranée. Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1990. p. 09-14 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 7)