Modern Game Chickens
The Modern Game was developed in Great Britain after cock fights were declared illegal
in 1849 under “The Cruelty to Animals Act”, yet many breeders still wanted some form
of competition, which they found in poultry shows. The Modern Game is thought to have
been descended from the Malay.
The Modern Game is considered a tall bird with long legs and body angled upward and carried on with a long neck. This bird gives the appearance of it standing in its tiptoes. It has a narrow body which coincides with the lean muscle. The males often are dubbed, which means they have their wattles and comb cut off. If not dubbed the Modern Game have a single comb. This procedure was once to prevent damage when fighting, but now it is used for the enhancement of the fowl’s appearance. The shanks have more scales and are the color blue or yellow. The Modern Game plumage is tightly feather, however, this does not mean they are well protected against the cold. The Modern Game is generally a calm bird and easy to maintain. The hens do have a tendency to go broody.
Standard Weights
Cock: 6 lbs
Hen: 4.5 lbs
Cockerel: 5 lbs
Pullet: 4 lbs
- Black Breasted Red
- Brown Red
- Golden Duckwing
- Silver Duckwing
- Birchen
- Red Pyle
- Black
- White
According to the Poultry Club of Great Britain, the Modern Game has 13 varieties.
Skin Color
Egg Shell Color
White or light tint.
The Modern Game lays very few eggs and so it is thought to be a strictly ornamental fowl.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ekarius, Carol. "Chickens: Modern Game." Pocketful of Poultry: Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys. North Adams, MA: Storey Pub., 2007. 108-11. Print.
Lewis, Celia. "Breed Profiles: Modern Game." The Illustrated Guide to Chickens: How to Choose Them, How to Keep Them. New York: Skyhorse Pub., 2011. 119. Print.
"Modern Game Chicken." The Livestock Conservancy. The Livestock Conservancy, n.d. Web. 01 July 2015.
Norris, John E. "History of the Modern Game." (n.d.): n. pag. Modern Game Bantam Club of America. C. Boktin Enterprises LTD. Web. 1 July 2015.