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Breeds of Livestock

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The Criollo horse is the direct descendant of the horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish. Since the moment the first Spanish horses were brought to the Americas until the conformation of the Criollo there is a long history that covers many centuries during which the adaptation to the environment constitutes the basis upon which the Criollo horse has built its roots.


When the Spanish horse was left free in this new habitat, it had to adapt itself to the new conditions, protect itself against the threatening dangers and carry on reproduction under the law of survival of the most apt.


In short the Criollo horse is the product of four centuries of life in the open air, of an adaptation to the environment and of strict natural selection.


In Uruguay, the Genealogical Registers were opened in 1929, and in 1941 the Uruguayan Criollo Horse Breeder's Society was founded with the fundamental objective of caring for the purity of the breed.


With this goal, 1,800 animals are inspected annually to evaluate whether their conformation fulfills the breed standard.


The Criollo is a medium sized horse (1.40m - 1.50m). It is mainly used for farm work but is also used as a draft horse and for pleasure riding.



Sociedad de Criadores de Caballos Criollos, Av. Uruguay 864, Montevideo, Uruguay, Phone: (5982) 9087269