Hanoverian Horses
The Hanoverian is a noble, correctly proportioned Warmblood horse with natural balance,
impulsion and elegant, elastic movements characterized by a floating trot, a round
rhythmic canter, and a ground-covering walk. The breed's historic home is in today's
state of Lower Saxony, in northern Germany, the former Kingdom of Hanover where a
flourishing horse-breeding industry has existed for 400 years. The Hanoverian has
dispersed to all five continents and represents today one of the most prominent breeds
of riding horses in the world.
What special attributes make the Hanoverian so valuable as an all-around riding and a performance competition horse excelling in many different disciplines?
Calm and level-headed, the Hanoverian keeps his cool even in difficult situations.
The Hanoverian gives himself willingly to the rider, accepting the aids and allowing himself to be rated.
Stamina, Bone, and Substance
The Hanoverian has been bred for centuries to stand up under a variety of demanding conditions and uses.
The Hanoverian in America
The American Hanoverian Society was incorporated in 1978 for the purpose of gathering
the Hanoverians in North America in a registry, to preserve and promote the breed.
Since then it has grown rapidly in membership, horse registration, and approved stallions.
While the AHS is an independent organization with its own constitution and bylaws, it maintains a close relationship with the German Hanoverian Breeders' Society (the Verband hannoverscher Warmblutzuechter), regarding inspection, registration and licensing procedures and educational activities.
Information provided by The American Hanoverian Society, 4067 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 1, Lexington, KY 40511.
Phone: (606) 255-4141
Fax: (606) 255-8467
Email: ahsoffice@aol.com