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Breeds of Livestock

A shaggy black Afghan Arabi sheep eating grass.Also Known As: Afghani (Pakistan)


The Afghan Arabi is a fat-rumped breed found in northern Afghanistan. They are a common breed found all around Afghanistan. The breed typically has long pendulous ears and is polled. The Afghan Arabi is used for meat and milk. They usually have black or white faces.




Mason, I.L. 1996. A World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties. Fourth Edition. C.A.B. International. 273 pp.


First Draft Country Report on the Status and Perspectives of the Animal Genetic Resources Development and Conservation in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Dr. Mustafa Zafar, FAO); Case Study Series Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy: Livestock Husbandry (Anthony Fitzherbert, AREU. 2007); Main Investment opportunities in Afghanistan (Said Mubin Shah, AISA. 2009)