Drysdale Sheep
The Drysdale is a dual-purpose breed whose wool is used mainly for carpet manufacture.
It was introduced from New Zealand and there are now in excess of 60,000 Drysdales
in Australia.
The Drysdale's breeding has emphasized carpet wool aspects, and this bias will continue. However, as it is a variation of the Romney, lambs not required for wool production make excellent prime lambs for the local market.
Half-bred Drysdales may be distinguished at birth by the identification of crimp wool on the shoulder.
The wool of the Drysdale is without crimp, highly medullated, with a fiber diameter of 40 microns. The long, hairy fibers evident in the young lamb help it through difficult bleak periods, and losses to weaning are claimed to be low.
Numbers of stud and flock Drysdale rams and ewes are available, mostly from higher rainfall areas of Australia.
Handbook of Australian Livestock, Australian Meat & Livestock Corporation, 1989, 3rd Edition