This member of the heath-sheep landrace is a cross between German and Dutch health
sheep and a marshsheep. Since 1934 it has been bred in the northern German Emsland
area, especially in the county of Bentheim. The highly endangered, frugal Bentheimer
Landschaf is used for landscape preservation.
It is the largest of the German heath-and-moor sheep with long legs and hard hoofs.
A slender, long head, Roman nose, small ears, no horns, long and woolly tail, describe
the sheep. The sheep is white, but dark pigmentation is permitted around the eyes,
on the ears and on its legs. Fleece weight is 3-4 kg, with a fiber diameter of 34-40
microns. Rams weight 75-80 kg, ewes weight 50-60 kg. Ewes lamb easily and are good
mothers. This landrace sheep is easily satisfied, but needs to live in a flock. It
produces delicious meat.
Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und gefaehrdeter Haustierrassen e.V., Schwerpunkt
Schafe und Ziegen, Postfach 1218, 37202 Witzenhausen, Germany